Helps relieve pain from:
Sore Muscles and Muscle Sprains Neck, Back, Shoulder, Neck Pain Arthritis Painful Ankle, Hip, knee and elbow Joints Muscular Strains Helps provide excellent pain relief when used prior to: Ultrasound Treatments Massage Therapy Soft Tissue Trigger Point Therapy Rehabilitation Exercises Pre and Post Workout Stretch |
What exactly is sports massage?
Describing it in a nutshell, the Sports Massage is a specialty massage technique that was created and developed with athletes in mind. The Sports Massage is, in effect, one of several forms of the Swedish massage and it promotes an increased circulation of blood and lymph fluids in the body. Whether you are a professional or an amateur athlete or simply a citizen of the world who happens to have a precise problem such as a sore knee from your morning jog around the block or a frozen should because you slept on the wrong side of the bed or a stiff back because you forgot to use your legs when lifting the grocery back and so on, do yourself a favor and see a Sports Massage therapist. And the best way to find one is by getting referrals from reliable sources or by doing some research. Describing it in a nutshell, the Sports Massage is a specialty massage technique that was created and developed with athletes in mind. And as such, the Sports Massage prepares the bodies of professional and amateur sportspersons for their best possible performance before participating in a sport and it then helps their bodies to recover afterwards. The Sports Massage is, in effect, one of several forms of the Swedish massage and it promotes an increased circulation of blood and lymph fluids in the body. The Pre-Event Sport Massage is a vigorous but shortened massage treatment that lasts anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes and is performed right before the sports event. The Sports Massage is, in effect, one of several forms of the Swedish massage and it promotes an increased circulation of blood and lymph fluids in the body. There are four different types of Sports Massage therapies and their distinction is made primarily by its time of performance in relations to the athlete's sport activity. The Pre-Event Sport Massage is a vigorous but shortened massage treatment that lasts anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes and is performed right before the sports event. RESTORATIVE SPORTS MASSAGE The Restorative Sports Massage is applied while the athlete is in training and it helps him or her practice harder while, at the same time, decreasing the chances of incurring injuries. Describing it in a nutshell, the Sports Massage is a specialty massage technique that was created and developed with athletes in mind. And as such, the Sports Massage prepares the bodies of professional and amateur sportspersons for their best possible performance before participating in a sport and it then helps their bodies to recover afterwards. POST-EVENT SPORTS MASSAGE The Post-Event Sport Massage is performed within an hour or two of the event and its aim is to return bodies to their normal state by helping them recover from the hard work in the shortest time possible. PRE-EVENT SPORTS MASSAGE The Pre-Event Sport Massage is a vigorous but shortened massage treatment that lasts anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes and is performed right before the sports event. Its main focus is on those specific parts of the athlete's body which will be most intensively involved in the action. REHABILITATIVE SPORTS MASSAGE The Rehabilitative Sports Massage is there to pick up the proverbial pieces by treating the injuries which resulted from the exertion of the sport. The foremost objective of Rehabilitative Sports Massage is to relieve pain and to return the body to its former, pre-injury state. What makes sports massage so unique is that it is designed to work faster than your traditional deep tissue massage because unlike deep tissue sports massage generally has a time limit such as only 10 or 15 minutes. Athletes start to see the benefits in having these sports massage tents available to them by receiving quick treatments in order to help prevent or correct issues they have or may receive during each event this provides them with a much larger competitive advantage this is why professional athletes like to use sports massage therapists because in their line of work they are always looking for some sort of advantage. Muscle memory is very important especially for an athlete because when you are constantly pushing yourself you need to make your body understand the difference between unsafe and safe levels and that's what sports massage excels at. If you have every had a massage before or ever felt your body aches before where you press into an area that feels tight or you may not feel anything but think there may be a problem then press to find that the area is very sore or even radiates pain to different areas of the body. How can you prevent injuries? That's a hard question to answer because the body is very deceiving there are steps the body takes in order to keep you going such as the dominance of the mind the brain will only allow you to focus on one primary pain at a time this does not mean you can't feel other pains it just means that you will always only have one active at a time. If you have every had a massage before or ever felt your body aches before where you press into an area that feels tight or you may not feel anything but think there may be a problem then press to find that the area is very sore or even radiates pain to different areas of the body. You probably felt these pains at one time but pushed passed them or took pain pill to forget the pain so that you could complete tasks in your everyday life. The best thing you can do for yourself is get checked out by a licensed massage therapist this way they can give you a step by stem of what's going on with your body as well as provide you accurate advice as everyone is unique and different. One thing you can do is utilize Epsom salt baths these are perfect for drawing out lactic acid levels from your system allowing your body to detox and muscles to heal properly just make sure to take a multi vitamin prior to your bath and drink plenty of water. At the very least you will feel more relaxed and ready to take on the next challenge. What makes sports massage so unique is that it is designed to work faster than your traditional deep tissue massage because unlike deep tissue sports massage generally has a time limit such as only 10 or 15 minutes. Athletes start to see the benefits in having these sports massage tents available to them by receiving quick treatments in order to help prevent or correct issues they have or may receive during each event this provides them with a much larger competitive advantage this is why professional athletes like to use sports massage therapists because in their line of work they are always looking for some sort of advantage. Imagine being able to receive an hour massage from a licensed therapist in a clinic where you have the latest tools such as far infra red heat therapy and proper heating pads. When working on these areas its best to go slow assess the damage then slowly start working deeper into the calf you want to gain trust quick with the body because the body is currently in a hypersensitive state due to the current injury. Sports massage utilizes special stretches in order to cover more areas quicker. This is why they call it sports massage because these specialized techniques are designed to address athletes specific needs as many people do not generally go through the same stress as an athlete will put themselves through. Muscle memory is very important especially for an athlete because when you are constantly pushing yourself you need to make your body understand the difference between unsafe and safe levels and that's what sports massage excels at. When you fix primary issues in the body you gain what we call ROM (Range Of Motion) this range of motion tells the body how far it can safely extend without causing damage. When using sports massage you connect the mind to the body by using active resistance stretch techniques such as taking someone's foot placing it on your shoulder and having them press it against you then leaning into them having them press against you this will tell the body or force it a bit to let go of whatever it may be holding on to then giving you an opening to work further into the problem later. |
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