Cupping Massage Therapy
$70 per hour
The ancient tradition of cupping therapy is combined with traditional massage techniques to increase lymph circulation, stimulate the nervous system, open meridians, bring blood flow to muscles and skin, loosen adhesion's and stubborn knots in soft tissue.
A unique and deeply relaxing alternative to deep tissue massage. Please note that cupping is most effective on areas that are naturally free of body hair and may leave discolored markings on the skin. Packages: 2 hour $120 ($60 per hour) 4 hour $200 ($50 per hour) 6 hour $270 ($45 per hour) |
Have you ever seen the unique markings from cupping massage therapy?
You may not know this but its actually a special skill style which uses plastic or glass suction cups which has been practiced as well as passed down by those within Asia dating back thousands of years ago. How exactly does cupping massage therapy work? Cupping massage therapy may be used in a variety of different techniques. Personally I find the traditional fire glass cups too dangerous as well as too much maintenance. I prefer using the baby bottle material cups along with the suction pump this allows far more control in your work as well as safer for your clients. I know may say it should look very dark generally purple but I disagree with this anytime you see purple marks it means you have caused internal bleeding which would only complicated matters. Based on levels of fascia as well as many other factors such as how hydrated you are will determine how much pain you should feel within a session. Good news 1st times the hardest after that everything should get easier. Me personally I enjoy doing a light massage prior to the session I find that this helps a lot as well as using a crub treatment beforehand. Encouraging blood flow as well as sucking deeper pockets of toxins as well as waste products towards the surface. What exactly are the health advantages towards choosing cupping therapy? Even though there is a lack of scientific evidence to support cupping therapy there is the undeniable response of thousands of people that depend on it throughout the world as a part of their health care plan. Without any proper studies performed at the very least it can be said cupping provides an excellent placebo effect ( power of the mind). Various studies on placebo effects have revealed just how powerful the mind truly is. Revealing that the people that are lead to believe they drank caffeine or given some sort of stimulant tend to feel less fatigue or even feeling pain, when in fact they were given a sugar pill. However this may not be the case cupping may truly cycle out enough toxins as well as waste products to allow you to recover quicker. Personally I have had many cupping clients that have been very grateful for the help enough so to even bring me a steak dinner :). Either way having an advantage is always a huge psychological boost for many that feel the pressure of competition it may just win them the game.... |
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Telephone+1 253-343-7372